经 理 致 词

船 务 代 理

货 运 代 理




1. 提供港口情况咨询、报价及接受委托、制定落实船舶作业计划。

1. port information inquiry, quotation and agency acceptance, work out the loading/discharging sequence.

2. 作为港口各方、客户及代理间的动态信息转递中心,提供在港船舶的现场服务工作,跟踪处理船舶在港期间的一切事宜。

2. to act as a forwarding center between port authorities and our clients, we tender our service on the spot at zhanjiang port and follow up relevant matters.

3. 办理出口货物托运和进口提货手续,缮制各种单证,签放提单。

3. we conduct ships’ inward and outward formalities, then follow up cargo documents and issue the original bills of lading.

4. 代办船员护照、领事签证;安排船员就医、调换遣返;洽办船舶检验、修理、洗船、扫舱及燃料、淡水、物料供应;代购海图;办理备件、物料转运;联系海上救助及海事处理。

4. we make an arrangement for crew’s passports, consular visa, medical service for ship’s crews, crew repatriate, off/onhire survey, clean the ships, ship’s repair, fresh water replenishment, ship’s provision, ba charts purchase, spare parts delivery, materials transition, salvage at sea and submit applications to harbour master.

5. 负责船舶备用金管理、航次结算等工作,在船舶离港后30天内寄出航次结算单。

5. we will also make an arrangement for cash to master. our account department will follow up the final da and we promise to mail out the account documents to our principal within 30 days after ship’s departure.

地址:广东省湛江市霞山区人民大道南28号怡福国际广场十七楼A1706 (524001)